Dobermann DCM Genetest
Research project of the TiHo Hannover


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to the initiators and supporters of this project


The participation for all dobermanns with actual cardiac exam (Ultrasound( 24h Holter) is free from now! First of all, we need samples of affected dobermanns.


In the yearbook the dobermann club in switzerland publishes this ad for the genetic screening:

Here you will find the online the online version of the yearbook soon.
Many thanks for this!


The Interview mit Prof. Distl about details og the project is online.

Please have a look and share it! Thanks to Ruth Stolzewski for the quick poduction of the video.


The site is online. At that time 18 samples were sent to the TiHo Hannover.

CLICK to get to the official site of the TiHo Hannover.
When sending blood samples please do NOT use the gerenal form. Use the special Dobermann form instead, which can be found on this site under